LEAP is an organization creating itself as it works. Founded by a small group of lawyers, LEAP seeks to expand access to legal knowledge within the community of people whom the law can empower. LEAP works within the West Bank Palestinian community and is striving to become fully anchored in a partnership between the Palestinian community and the professionals who provide advice and representation.
LEAP - Legal Aid for Palestinians
is operated within and administered by:
CAPI - Center for Advancement of Peace Initiatives
Registered NGO, Israel No. 580500429
Ben Yehuda Street 7, Jerusalem 94624
European Commission, Human Rights and Democracy Programme.
Open Society Foundations, New York
T + H HOENE STIFTUNG, Federal Republic of Germany
Stephen P. Cohen, Seekers of Peace Fund, New Jersey
Ester and Louis Beck, Israel
Gal Foundation, New York
Doris and Mori Arkin, Israel
Norwegian Refugee Council in partnership with MAAN
Funding Needs
LEAP depends on individual donations, while it searches for additional long-term funding from charitable foundations. In the United States, tax-deductible contributions can be made through the New Israel Fund. For information about how to make a donation please get in touch with us at: